Individual approachPersonal communication and attentiveness to each client's needs and problems.
ProfessionalismAn experienced, creative and attentive team of professionals.
CompetenceStaged on the business idea is born until its realization.
ValuesWe feel responsible for the environment, and strive to achieve a positive contribution to the future of Lithuania.
Lithuanian Pixelmator – Apple’s Pick For Best iPad App Of The Year
Apple recently announced its best apps of the year, and the winner for best iPad app is Pixelmator, a powerful new image editor, created by two Lithuanian entrepreneurs, brothers Saulius and Aidas Dailides.
“We worked really hard on Pixelmator for almost two years: staying late at night and working weekends researching, adding, perfecting, polishing, then repeating the same process again and again to build or improve the features and core foundation of the app to impossibility – all that for you to later notice or simply feel the awesomeness of Pixelmator for iPad”, Saulius and Aidas posted on Pixelmator blog shortly after the announcement.
Pixelmator got a lot... More
TOP 8 Lithuanian Startups to Watch in Autumn 2014
In autumn, some new stars may begin to shine in global startup ecosystem. This year, Enterprise Lithuania, public entity, and community Startup Lithuania are continuing the successful Startup Lithuania Roadshow, which was launched last year. As part of the project, the country’s most promising startups will travel to San Francisco, Tel Aviv, London, Dublin and Helsinki in autumn to look for investments.
After the selection which began in May, the training conducted by local and foreign experts throughout July, and two intermediate team progress evaluations, it has been decided to invite eight of Lithuania’s most promising startups working in fields of medicine, e-commerce, innov... More
U.S. research centres and businesses: interested in cooperation with Lithuania
During his visit to the Unites States on 16–21 February 2014, Minister of Economy Evaldas Gustas met with Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Charlie Bolden and shared ideas on current space policy developments in Lithuania as well as discussed cooperation possibilities. In the succeeding meeting with the NASA experts, the areas, in which Lithuania would like to cooperate, as well as NASA’s international cooperation policy were presented in more detail.
According to Minister Evaldas Gustas, the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA is devoting increasingly more attention to international cooperation with new space-oriented ... More
Conference “Creating the Future of Lithuania: EU Structural Assistance for Lithuania 2007-2013”
Yesterday, the Conference "Creating the Future of Lithuania: EU Structural Assistance for Lithuania 2007-2013" was organised by the Ministry of Finance in Vilnius ("Forum Palace", Konstitucijos av. 26). In the conference strategy and three operational programmes – the major work accomplished –- were presented to social and economic partners that hade been actively involved in the preparatory process. The general Strategy objective is rapidly improve conditions for living, working and investing in Lithuania so that the benefits provided by economic growth would reach each individual resident. "Utilisation of the EU structural assistance has bee... More