Yesterday, the Conference "Creating the Future of Lithuania: EU Structural Assistance for Lithuania 2007-2013" was organised by the Ministry of Finance in Vilnius ("Forum Palace", Konstitucijos av. 26). In the conference strategy and three operational programmes – the major work accomplished –- were presented to social and economic partners that hade been actively involved in the preparatory process. The general Strategy objective is rapidly improve conditions for living, working and investing in Lithuania so that the benefits provided by economic growth would reach each individual resident. "Utilisation of the EU structural assistance has been already planned. Science, economy, cohesion – these three words symbolically define priority trends of the EU Structural Fund investments, - states the Finance Minister Rimantas Šadžius. – Sincerely wishing that Lithuania would make use of the opportunities offered by the EU structural assistance, I invite everyone to assume responsibility and together create the future of Lithuania." Taking fatal decisions on utilisation of this assistance, in preparation of the Strategy and operational programmes not only line ministries were involved, but socio-economic partners, regional representatives also took active participation in it, the preparatory process involved the Seimas and President’s Office. A lot of opinions were discussed in public discussions organised by the Ministry of Finance and working groups. The result – strategic documents prepared by Lithuania were summarily acknowledged by the European Commission as satisfying the requirements and were shortly approved. The EU Structural Fund’s assistance for Lithuania in 2007-2013 makes up more than LTL23 billion. Having prudently and successfully used such an amount, which is nearly of the same size as the one-year State budget, we may come closer to the average economic development level of the EU Member States and by the year 2015, by the standard of living, to catch up with some old members of the EU. Then Lithuania would become much more attractive for living, working and investing in.
Individual approachPersonal communication and attentiveness to each client's needs and problems.
ProfessionalismAn experienced, creative and attentive team of professionals.
CompetenceStaged on the business idea is born until its realization.
ValuesWe feel responsible for the environment, and strive to achieve a positive contribution to the future of Lithuania.